(using only 100% pure Botox from Allergan)
1 Area £150
2 Areas £200
3 Areas £250
4 Areas £300
5 Areas £350
(Review appointment can be carried out at any time
throughout treatment, however, top up if needed
will only be administered at end of week 2 if practitioner deems this to be needed
(The onus is on the patient to contact clinic for top-up appointment)
Hyperhidrosis (underarm sweating) £360
Hyperhidrosis (for hand sweating) £360
Gummy smile correction using Botox £150
Dimple/orange peel Chin correction using Botox £100
Masseter reduction using Botox £280
Brow lift using Botox £200
Neck treatment using Botox £300
Bunny lines using Botox £70
Bruxism (teeth grinding) using Botox £280
Migraine treatment using Botox £350
Smoker line treatment using Botox £250
Lip Augmentation using Juvederm smile/volift 0.5ml £200
Lip Augmentation using Juvederm smile/volift 1ml £250
Cheek augmentation using Juvéderm voluma (per 1ml) £250
Under Eye rejuvenation using Juvéderm volbella £400
Non-surgical rhinoplasty using Juvéderm voluma £350
Chin augmentation using Juvéderm voluma £250
Jawline contouring using Juvéderm voluma (per 1ml) £250
Temple rejuvenation using Juvéderm voluma (per 1ml) £250
Marionette lines using Juvéderm voluma (per 1ml) £250
Smokers lines using Juvéderm volift (per 1ml) £250